One Blink of Thought

One Blink of Thought

19 June 2018 - Trust in the Lord

Sunday, November 3, 2013


2nd November, 2013. Another Memorable Day. 

Work has been really crazy thus far.. Overloading stress has caused my body to complain and protest aggressively. I needed music, loads of music when I was struggling to complete my final report. Phone rang and I picked up.. My personal Mr. DJ called and began playing notes from his keyboard. I was surprised for his kind and sweet gesture, no reason for me not to put my work aside for a moment. I lied down on my bed, and start listening and selecting songs which I want to hear. Best moment ever! hehe..

Out of the blue, and he said to me "oh ya.. I must sing you this song, 我的心底话,very much." Then, he started singing and ensured that I paid attention to the lyric. I love it! very much, but the song can't beat what he said next, "oh! This is our song, our theme song!" haha.. we finally have a theme song after two years, hahaha! So sweet of him and so lucky of me! I am always grateful, till now, to be able to meet you and be with you. Thank you for coming into my life, :) Love you much! Hope we can have many many good days ahead and yes, I have found my haven too. :) 

  • 牵着你在天空飞翔
  • 这样看世界不一样
  • 有了你在身旁笑的脸庞
  • 世界或许
  • 就这么宽广
  • 忽然就忘记了慌张
  • 人海之中你最明亮
  • 无意间的影响
  • 渐渐扩张
  • 你丰富我 生活感想
  • 何必寻找所谓的天堂
  • 原来我因为你
  • 不想再去流浪
  • 情愿平凡
  • 不拥有一切也无妨
  • 有了你在心上
  • 已然是天堂
  • 已经是天堂