One Blink of Thought

One Blink of Thought

19 June 2018 - Trust in the Lord

Saturday, April 5, 2014


就算牺牲 不需要问回赠
越过胸襟 将会让过万众跳出抖震
无止境漂泊 没掌声与欢欣

这首词从很久以前就烙在心里,经常不经意地想去听,那时也还没有YouTube吧。。要下载一首歌不难,但我总是没那个心情和耐心。 当我在某天突然想起,用心一听,不知觉的鸡皮疙瘩都起了!只因,我已投入人道主义工作。几年的经验,因该也称得上经历吧,让我深深的体会到感同身受的那一股感觉,感动。 怎么说呢。。真的,一切所想所做的,都没掌声与欢欣,但那不是重点。欣慰的永远是那受护者的微笑,一句道谢胜于上司们的承认。 我的工作不大且低调,但愿一天真的可以听见歌声与欢欣也希望大家愿随互爱❤️精神。我,真心。



Friday, December 27, 2013

Amazing Grace


很感恩可以有破镜重圆的一天,感谢天父送我的这一份礼物。Thank you Father for this amazing grace.  :)虽然,让我们重拾友情的过程辛苦难堪,也错过了不少,但终算值得。天父对事情的安排是我无法预测,猜透的。那时还真的以为我又即将失去另一段友情,又再度跌回那无底洞,嚎啕的哭。怎知那一系列的痛其实是祂在为我铺路。。重重的伤是要让我明白问题的所在和失去的原因。很庆幸的,很感恩的,我竟然懂了。我并没有失去,而是获得更多。

爬出那一次的黑暗终算拥有了更清晰的视线,以往虚伪的颜色也不见了。 友情,到底是什么?我不确定,定义从我很坚持一直到我失去方向,信心和绝望。它又再一次需要被从新定位。 其实,我懂了一点,每一个人的定义都不同,在一段真挚的友谊,也许真的没有所谓的对不对,只是适不适合而已。倘若不适合又无法了解和谅解,那。。君子之交可能是更好的选择。 我会默默的继续为我关心的人,事和物祷告,愿一切安详,喜乐。

他那一句,“从今以后,我就是你最好的朋友,有我就够了。”  Haha.. 夫復何求 :)

The best thing I learned in 2013 - Leave it in God's hand. 

Thank you Father, thank you Jesus. 

Sunday, November 3, 2013


2nd November, 2013. Another Memorable Day. 

Work has been really crazy thus far.. Overloading stress has caused my body to complain and protest aggressively. I needed music, loads of music when I was struggling to complete my final report. Phone rang and I picked up.. My personal Mr. DJ called and began playing notes from his keyboard. I was surprised for his kind and sweet gesture, no reason for me not to put my work aside for a moment. I lied down on my bed, and start listening and selecting songs which I want to hear. Best moment ever! hehe..

Out of the blue, and he said to me "oh ya.. I must sing you this song, 我的心底话,very much." Then, he started singing and ensured that I paid attention to the lyric. I love it! very much, but the song can't beat what he said next, "oh! This is our song, our theme song!" haha.. we finally have a theme song after two years, hahaha! So sweet of him and so lucky of me! I am always grateful, till now, to be able to meet you and be with you. Thank you for coming into my life, :) Love you much! Hope we can have many many good days ahead and yes, I have found my haven too. :) 

  • 牵着你在天空飞翔
  • 这样看世界不一样
  • 有了你在身旁笑的脸庞
  • 世界或许
  • 就这么宽广
  • 忽然就忘记了慌张
  • 人海之中你最明亮
  • 无意间的影响
  • 渐渐扩张
  • 你丰富我 生活感想
  • 何必寻找所谓的天堂
  • 原来我因为你
  • 不想再去流浪
  • 情愿平凡
  • 不拥有一切也无妨
  • 有了你在心上
  • 已然是天堂
  • 已经是天堂
  • Wednesday, February 20, 2013

    "Whisper of the Heart"

    I love this picture! It's from my favourite artist - Hayao Miyazaki. His arts never fail to inspire me! 

    Anyway, I finally have my own external hard disk!! I have so much to do with this little violet blue passport~ to keep all photos taken in previous years, to organize it like a personal library.. etc, thinking about it has already spiced my mood up! :D 

    And you know what? It has been awhile that I am thinking to de-activate my FB account.. many reasons, if you ask me why. Well, one is many close friends of mine aren't that active and one has eventually closed her account. So yea~ plus, it takes so much effort and time to group my "friends" and limiting the audience. >:(   Frankly, maybe no one cares!! haha.. why am I so fussy and paranoid about then? It's just me I guess. 

    Today~ I have copied most of the pictures from my FB into this lil passport and change the setting to "only me". The said personal library will begin establishing tonight or tomorrow night. :) So what will I do with my FB account now? Hmm.. I think I will start watching more posts/videos shared by friends. hehe.. sounds like a stalker eh? 

    It's been awhile since I did "house keeping for my friend list! If you know me well, you would know that I ain't that anti social but I just don't grow to fancy "strangers" or friend's friends. :/  Not your problem, believe me. But now that everything is private, I guess I don't mind approving more people whom I have yet to "know" or "trust". 

    I missed blogspot, from time to time. Not many people will click on and read, just like my diary! Forgive my laziness as typing is easier than writing. haha.. 

    29 is coming and 30 is not far from me! What's the big resolutions and plans for year 2013? 

    - Be positive and confident, locked that in mind and colour my soul 
    - Stay Healthy, run more and sweat more! 
    - No chips & deep fried food (so far so good!) 
    - A new career, new prospect and new direction
    - A relationship with God. 
    - Be kind!!

    So much to share, so much to worry, so unnecessary!! haha! 
    Good day folks! :) 

    Happy 2013!! 

    Friday, October 26, 2012



    Saturday, September 8, 2012


    在这样的一个夜里,我嚎啕的哭了。忍住那从心无名的痛,让脑放肆的重播昨晚听过的话。。我不要再问了,我也不想懂了,万万想不到我会那么伤心。一切都是过去式,但我却输给自己的记忆能力,我会忘掉吗?怎办呢?烙下去了吗?我不要。疯狂的想象力让我窒息。。我要祷告,请让我不再为这些假象的恐惧心痛,放空,影响。鼻塞了。。眼蒙了。。我想有人给个拥抱我。我真是个胆小鬼。但,终于哭出来,舒服多了。。。 爱一个人,不容易哦。。

    Sunday, July 15, 2012

    I am here dedicating this song to you..
    who are going through a breakup..
    experienced a real love..
    lost a love..
    met someone at a wrong place, wrong time..
    someone specially for you is awaiting somewhere.. 
    walk forward and you will meet =) 

    爱在夏天过完之后 锁在秋天
    当爱过多年之后的我 好了一些
    雨后的天上 彩虹出现 衬出一片蓝天
    每个冬季带来失落 伤得多深
    If you listen to the rhythm of the pouring rain
    流下的眼泪 留下了智慧
    爱情会天亮 也一定会黑
    世界会等我 它问我冬天过去没
    那是春雨里洗过的太阳 (春雨你的太阳)
    每个冬季带来失落 伤得多深 (伤得多深)